Fiche cheval highly proactive

R3C9 du

plathandicap 32214sha tin (hong kong)1200M217724chevalier environmental engineering handicap12 partantsdépart à 09:20
Non-partants : 7
14solar windsH46p3p4p7p0pbowman h.16/101:09
210pulsar striderH45pchau c.l.12/1encolure
31cape bretonH4Inédithamelin a.87/13/4 l
49golden artieH30pmaia r.75/1cte tete
55superb capitalistH31pchung y.l.1.2/1encolure
612star ascensionH47p5phewitson l.32/12 l
72speedy mouseH54p0p8p(21)3pchadwick m.12/1cte tete
86yeaboiH40pbentley h.184/15 l
93reve parisienH60p7p0p4p4pleung k.c.15/13/4 l
7beauty eternalH43p1ppurton z./1
1011highly proactiveH79p0p0p0p0pwong h.n.81/1encolure
118arielH40pyeung m.l.103/11 l 1/4

R2C7 du

plathandicap 36083sha tin (hong kong)1200M217724the cma 88th anniversary cup (handicap)9 partantsdépart à 08:05
16setantaH58p7p5p5p8pteetan k.8.3/101:10
29happy sharingH54p4p3p5p7pchung y.l.3.05/1encolure
38super winnerH70p0p5p8p0phamelin a.14/1encolure
41star briteH50p0p1p7p1ppurton z.13/13/4 l
53bundle of charmH41p4p1pbadel a.2.7/1tete
65ready to winH68p3p4p0p4pleung k.c.7.75/15 l
74california concordH79p6p6p5p0pho c.y.19/11 l
82excellent daddyH60p1p5p0p8pchau c.l.22/14 l 1/2
97highly proactiveH70p0p0p0p0pmo h.t.41/118 l

R2C8 du

plathandicap 40900sha tin (hong kong)1000M189389guangdong vocational institute of sport handicap14 partantsdépart à 08:40
111alcariH87p1p2p2pteetan k.12/100:55
28run run coolH54p1p1p4p5ppurton z.2.85/11/2 l
37metro warriorH63p0p6p9p4pho c.y.7.2/13/4 l
412seven heavensH82p0p0p0pcurrie l.15/13/4 l
514triple tripleH87p4p5p1p5plai h.w.66/13/4 l
69hong kong winH78p6p7p4p5phamelin a.10/1cte tete
76seizing the momentH61p1p2p1p3pborges v.17/1cte tete
83classic unicornH72p7p0p0p0ppoon m.f.10/1cte tete
94jumbo fortuneH45p4p0pferraris l.42/13/4 l
101carroll streetH53p0p5p(21)1pbadel a.6.3/1tete
112atomic forceH30p4pmoreira j.11/13/4 l
1213california forestH40p9p0p9p7pmo h.t.125/1nez
135ping hai bravoH69p(21)7p9p0pchau c.l.35/13/4 l
1410highly proactiveH70p0p8p8p0pwong c.104/1tete

R6C9 du

plathandicap 41778happy valley1200M280248grass island handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:55
18keep you warmH56p3p2p2p4ppurton z./101:09
27lucky with youH51p8p8p2p1pteetan k./12 l
36explosive witnessH85p6p9p(21)7pbadel a./11 l 1/4
41voyage warriorH74p7p5p2p8pchan k.h./11/2 l
59mcluckyH60p(21)1p1p2phewitson l./1cte tete
611easonH41p1p2p2p1pho c.y./1cte tete
72grateful heartH68p1p8p(21)0pbentley h./13/4 l
810the runnerH70p0p9p1p2pleung k.c./1cte tete
94campioneH31p1p4ppoon m.f./11 l
105scores of funH60p(21)5p1p1pcurrie l./11/2 l
113silver figH82p0p7p5phamelin a./12 l
1212highly proactiveH70p8p8p0p0pwong c./11 l 1/4

R6C9 du

plathandicap 42479sha tin (hong kong)1650M280248yuen long handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:50
19berlin tangoH54p4p6p(21)4pteetan k/101:36
21kings shieldH75p7p(21)7p0pho c y/11 l 1/2
34money catcherH53p3p3p5p0pleung k c/1nez
45the rockH60p(21)6p0p5pmoreira j/12 l
53telecom fightersH64p4p2p3ppurton z/1encolure
611delightful laosH57p0p(21)0p8pmo h t/1encolure
76czarsonH66p0p2p(21)2pchadwick m/11 l 1/2
812chancheng princeH50p3p(21)9p8ppoon m f/13/4 l
97red desertH69p4p2p4p6pborges v/11/2 l
108beauty fitH63p6p4p1p8pbentley h/1cte tete
1110highly proactiveH78p8p0p0p0plai h w/11/2 l
122buddiesH70p0p0p7pferraris l/112 l

R2C7 du

plathandicap 43678sha tin (hong kong)1000M280248chek lap kok handicap9 partantsdépart à 08:05
11nervous witnessH51p3p(21)2p3pshinn b./100:55
22stoltzH50p7p1p1p2ppurton z./1encolure
35carroll streetH50p5p(21)1p8pho c.y./1encolure
44hong kong winH75p7p9p5pmoreira j./11/2 l
57valiant dreamH77p9p4p(21)8pteetan k./1encolure
69metro warriorH69p4p1p(21)9pchadwick m./13/4 l
78classic unicornH70p0p0p(21)7phewitson l./11/2 l
83highly proactiveH78p0p0p0pmo h.t./13 l
96ping hai bravoH6(21)7p9p0p0pborges v./13/4 l

R6C5 du

plathandicap 44268sha tin (hong kong)1200M367826silvermine bay handicap9 partantsdépart à 13:15
12duke waiH79p3p3p5pchadwick m./101:07
23silver figH80p7p5p(21)9pchau c.l./11/2 l
38keep you warmH52p2p4p7pbadel a./1cte tete
47red desertH62p4p6p(21)3pborges v./1tete
54majestic starH51p1p4p(21)4pteetan k./11/2 l
69czarsonH60p2p(21)2p4ppoon m.f./11 l 1/2
75master montaroH65p4p5p4pmoreira j./1cte tete
86highly proactiveH70p0p0p(21)1pmo h.t./11 l 1/4
91kurpanyH51p1p(21)2p3pchan k.h./11 l

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